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The Trader: Trading external news events

In this article, Michael looks at trading external news events and opportunities that are set up as a result. External events that have an effect on a stock but are not directly news events from the stock can be hugely profitable. I talked about the Supreme Court of The United States’ decision to allow sports

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Eight Common Investing Mistakes Made by Private Investors

“Investing success is two-thirds avoiding mistakes, one-third doing something right.”- Ken Fisher Private investing offers the opportunity for individuals to take control of their finances and even achieve financial freedom. However, without proper knowledge and preparation, private investors can unknowingly make mistakes that hinder their portfolio investment returns. Of course, because we are human, it

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Latest fish caught in the net

Richard introduces the latest fish caught in his 5 Strikes net. The seven shares include a giant caterer, a software supplier with a perfect track record, and a travel agent that makes “jollies even jollier”. Post-Christmas, there is a bit of a lull in the annual reporting season. That is because a large number of

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Small-Cap Spotlight Report: Sosandar (LSE: SOS)

Fashion website Sosandar plans to open shops to bolster its sales and margins. Maynard Paton weighs up management’s bold financial ambition against the wider sector’s haphazard progress. Fashion website Sosandar provides a fascinating dilemma for small-cap growth investors. Bulls will highlight the online retailer’s very rapid expansion and bold ambition to raise profits to £10

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Why good companies underperform

In my previous article, I discussed the reasons for investing in good companies and how you can search for them in SharePad. We saw that investing in good companies can generate stellar returns for investors over time but being able to buy the shares of them at a reasonable price is often difficult. It is

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How do YOU ShareScope?

As we all know, there is a lot of functionality in ShareScope and there are many different ways to use and customise it. Last year’s customer survey also showed us that the majority of you use ShareScope every day. Inspired by this and some social posts from long-term subscribers who talked about their daily ShareScope

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When purpose means more profit

There are a rapidly growing number of certified B Corps organisations that combine purpose and profit. As yet, only a handful are listed, but Richard thinks we’re at the beginning of a trend. It may be a profitable one for investors. This year’s crop of Christmas gifts has rekindled my interest in investing in a

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The Trader: Two potential breakout trades

Michael covers recent events and looks at two potential breakout trades. A lot has happened in the last two weeks. The US and the UK have attacked Iran-backed Houthi rebels. The SEC Twitter account got hacked and posted a tweet saying that the Bitcoin ETF had been approved. Then the Bitcoin ETF finally did get

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