Michael Taylor

Michael Taylor made the move to trading the stock market with his own capital on a full time basis in December 2016. As well as ShareScope, Michael contributes to Investors Chronicle and other online publications. He has also written a free book on getting started in the UK stock market, along with a stock trading handbook – both of which are available to download from his website at www.shiftingshares.com

I believe that anyone can learn to trade if they are able to remain objective and are willing to put the hours in. I lost a lot of money early on by not having a proper strategy and following the crowd. If you want to make money then you need to generate your own ideas – I use SharePad to find and plan my trades, and ShareScope to run on my trading screens.

The Trader: Sharper Mind, Sharper Profits

Michael looks at the benefits of a sharper mind and how to cultivate an edge in trading. The difference between winners and losers is almost always the mindset. And yes, there are lots of other things that go into successful trading, such as knowledge, hard work, and the ability to learn quickly. But you can

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The Trader: The art of the flip

In this article, Michael looks at flipping direction and two trade ideas. It’s been a big week for volatility. China’s stimulus plan jumpstarted the resources sector and helped the luxury sector too. China’s slowdown in consumer spending has been responsible for a big part of the luxury slump, and sales collapsed in Mainland China for

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The Trader: Do sellers present opportunity

In this article, Michael assesses whether sellers present opportunities and a potential early stage two stock. I got asked this week about known sellers and if it is a good opportunity to buy a stock when there’s a seller. The reasoning behind this is that once the seller clears, sometimes there isn’t much of a

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The Trader: A brief fall and two trade ideas

In this article, Michael covers the recent stock market fall and two trade ideas. Two weeks ago stocks were tanking. This week stocks are up. If you were on holiday the last fortnight and didn’t bother checking the markets, then you might not have noticed anything was up. As I wrote in my Slack group

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The Trader: Delayed reactions present an opportunity

Michael looks at some of this week’s action and notes some commonalities between trades. Riddle me this… If the market is efficient, then why don’t prices gap up and open without moving? The simple answer is because the market isn’t efficient. In this basic assumption, we assume that all (or at least a big majority)

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The Trader: The damaging effects of loss

In this article, Michael looks at the effects of loss and the damage it can do to a trader’s P&L. Trump getting shot on Saturday saw several stocks and sectors move quickly. Overall, the market saw it as a positive. Not that he was shot, but because of his now significantly increased chances of winning.

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The Trader: AIM and share placings

In this article Michael looks at share placings and how to take advantage of them. Equity placements, also known as share placings, are a critical aspect of the financial markets. They are what you might call a necessary evil and are often used by companies to raise capital. That said, not all share placings are

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The Trader: Stockbrokers, DMA, and the RSP

Michael looks at the various types of stockbrokers in this article and how they can be used effectively. Having the right stockbroker can have a huge impact on your P&L. It came as no surprise to me that Shares decided to close down its UK operations. You most likely haven’t heard of this broker –

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The Trader: The Power of Breakouts in Bull Markets

Michael breaks down the breakout including why and how to play this trading pattern. For those who have followed my articles then it’ll come as no surprise that I love trading breakouts. Why? Simply put: trading breakouts is a powerful strategy for capturing significant price movements in stocks. When a stock’s price moves above a

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The Trader: The Indices Revisited

In this article, Michael revisits the indices and looks at what they mean for traders. Almost all of the trades I do are specific to the chart and to that company itself. For example, a strong stock in a bear market will get bought, and a down-trending, stock-breaking support in a raging bull market will

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The Trader: Trades outside the RNS

Michael looks at trades that don’t come through the RNS yet can still be considered price-sensitive news. The RNS is one of the best place trades, whether the trades be Opening Drive scalps or swings. Setting up your own specific filters (or using mine) is another of the best places. Examples of places that are

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