Michael Taylor

Michael Taylor made the move to trading the stock market with his own capital on a full time basis in December 2016. As well as ShareScope, Michael contributes to Investors Chronicle and other online publications. He has also written a free book on getting started in the UK stock market, along with a stock trading handbook – both of which are available to download from his website at www.shiftingshares.com

I believe that anyone can learn to trade if they are able to remain objective and are willing to put the hours in. I lost a lot of money early on by not having a proper strategy and following the crowd. If you want to make money then you need to generate your own ideas – I use SharePad to find and plan my trades, and ShareScope to run on my trading screens.

The Trader: 15 Steps To Profitability

Michael outlines how to get to profitability as a trader in the first part of his 15-step walkthrough. Every trader’s ultimate goal is to be profitable. It’s a long journey which many fail. A statistic I display at the top of my trading course is that 90% of traders lose money (Barber, B.M., Lee, Y.-T.,

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The Trader: The importance of cutting losses

Michael provides a breakdown on why cutting losses is crucial to scaling as a trader and two actionable steps to manage this Everyone pays lip service to risk management. However, it’s easy to move your stops “just this once”. Those three words are some of the most dangerous words in trading. If you move your

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The Trader: 5 Charts Analysed

In this article, Michael looks at five different stocks and casts an eye over the charts. I recently wrote a Twitter thread where I gave my thoughts on several charts. Many said it was useful, so I thought an article where I do the same in a bit more detail may be of use in

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The Trader: 5 More Losing Trader Mistakes

We looked at five losing trader mistakes in my last article and this week we’ll cover five more. Being aware of mistakes can help you recognise the problems in your own trading. Once you’ve identified these you can then take steps to fix them. Let’s move on to number 6. 6. Getting emotional Emotions wreak

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The Trader: 5 Losing Trader Mistakes

Following on from my last article on trading biases, this week I’ll be running through some of the biggest losing trader mistakes. I’ve made several of these in the past and it’s good to be aware of these so you can check if you’re falling into the traps. 1. Not having an edge Not having

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The Trader: Trading the markets is a daily psychological battle.

In this article, Michael looks at 8 trading biases and how to mitigate these. It’s comparable to a video game. You press certain buttons to make certain things happen because you want a certain result. The better you press the buttons, the higher your score. Only in this game, the score is not meaningless. It’s

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The Trader: The power of the breakdown

In this article Michael Taylor looks at stocks that are trading near their lows and that could potentially fall further. He also uses the SharePad filter library to look for those that might break out including Wood Group plc, Softcat plc, Safestyle uk and Restaurant Group. The market today is different to the market of

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The Trader: What can we learn from Mark Minervini

Michael Taylor looks at one of the US’s trading greats Mark Minervini and what we can learn from his strategies. I wrote a few weeks ago about what traders can learn from Warren Buffett. This week I’ll take a look at one of the trading greats: Mark Minervini. Who is Mark Minervini? Mark Minervini is

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The Trader: Introducing the new SharePad chat

Michael demonstrates how straightforward the new chat is and how SharePad chat has been designed to allow users to connect and share information with each other.  The Chat feature has been significantly improved in recent weeks.   SharePad has many successful and intelligent users (such as yourself), and this feature has been designed in order

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The Trader: What can traders learn from Warren Buffett?

Warren Buffet is one of the greatest investors of all time. He has acquired wealth through relatively simple investing rules and sticking with them. Investing is completely different to trading, but I’m always open to reading about others’ successes and learning from them. In this article, we’re going to explore some of Warren Buffett’s secrets.

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The Trader: Trading through a bear market

In this article, Michael offers some thoughts on trading through a bear market and how to protect yourself. Technically, the FTSE 250 is in a bear market. The FTSE 100 is not. At the moment, neither are the Dow Jones and S&P 500 indices. What if we bounce back and continue the epic bull run

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The Trader: Introducing two new filters for times of pain

Michael introduces two new filters to get ahead in difficult times through advance notices of potential breakouts and breakdowns. It pays to be bullish. History has shown us that over a long enough period of time being bullish on stocks has been a winning strategy. Economies grow, new technologies are invented, and value is created.

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