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  • Alpesh Patel OBE
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Small-Cap Spotlight Report: NCC (LSE: NCC)

Many great companies still can’t resist ‘diworsifiying’ in the quest for growth. Maynard Paton studies IT specialist NCC and its costly folly beyond software escrow.   “Instead of buying back shares or raising dividends, profitable companies often prefer to blow the money on foolish acquisitions. The dedicated diworsifier seeks out merchandise that is (1) overpriced,

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Is it a good time to buy housebuilder shares?

House building in the UK has experienced numerous peaks and troughs with shareholders in listed housebuilders experiencing similar fortunes. Buying housebuilder shares when they are unpopular has made investors plenty of money in the past, but is now a good time to invest? Phil takes a look at the sector through SharePad in an attempt

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Private Investing: What is investing?

  Why do people invest their money rather than just save? It’s not just about growing your savings so that you will have more money in the future. It’s about growing the buying power of your money. You want the £1 that you are investing today to buy more things in the future than it

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The Trader: Does Arm’s success mean the IPO market is back?

The market saw a boom in new listings in 2020 and 2021 as companies were greedy to slurp on the capital market teat that provided fertile ground for rocketing IPOs. Companies would list and there would be a huge secondary market in order to lap up the stock and push the price to closing highs.

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Four companies with (almost) unblemished financial histories

Richard picks holes in the financial histories of four companies and finds little to trouble him. Remarkably Cake Box, a company that published an annual report riddled with errors two years ago, is one of them. As fishing expeditions go, my daily trips in the last two weeks have been particularly unfruitful. Few companies have

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Rolls-Royce Flying – Could Power Ahead Further

Aerospace and Defence Giant Rolls-Royce Bounces Back with Impressive Interim Performance. This is excellent news for investors and me too, as I did suggest better times ahead for the renowned aerospace and defence company when I featured it for Sharescope back in January 2022. The share price was in a tailspin for a while, dropping

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Using Volume to Help Make Better Informed Investment Decisions

In this article, I’m going to cover how I use volume to assist my trading and investment decisions. I will cover multiple timeframes to see who is in control of price action and whether those that are in control of the price action are distributing or accumulating positions as a group. I will look at

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Private Investing: How you can beat the fund managers

If you are new to private investing, it’s very easy to think “How can I compete with professional fund managers? Surely, I am better off investing my money in their funds and letting them make the decisions”. This article from esteemed investment writer Phil Oakley shows you how. So, are you better off investing all

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