All the latest articles & insight from our investment writers to inspire your own research and analysis.

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  • Alpesh Patel OBE
  • Ben Hobson
  • Bruce Packard
  • David Stevenson
  • Jamie Ward

Author Index

  • Jason Needham
  • Maynard Paton
  • Michael Taylor
  • Phil Oakley
  • Richard Beddard

From ideas to investments: Investing in local heroes

Richard makes the case for investing in local firms, helped by analysts from The Yorkshire Fund. As usual, SharePad can help. I am starting this article with a shout-out to the analysts of the Yorkshire Fund. You probably have not heard of the Yorkshire Fund. We cannot invest in it. It is a mini financial

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The Trader: Three breakouts in a weak market

Michael Taylor looks at three potential breakout plays in stocks that are holding up despite the adverse conditions. The market has been rotating heavily in last few weeks. Commodity prices have surged with spikes in gas, crude, and nickel. Nickel rose 100% in a single day due to a short seller getting squeezed. However, the

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Calnex Solutions PLC (LSE : CLX)

Elric Langton explores provider of test and measurement solutions for the telecommunications sector Calnex, a company he has had his eye on since their IPO in 2020 and who released a positive trading update last week. I have had my eye on this next gem for some time, in fact, I was growing concerned I

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When Return of Capital trumps Return on Capital

Jamie Ward returns with his last article for ShareScope to discuss risk and complacency in the market and suggests that the past few years might not be an adequate guide for the future. Markets always go up… Since the Great Financial Crisis (GFC) in 2008, there has been a received wisdom to always ‘buy the

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Macfarlane Group PLC| Boring is best (LSE : MACF)

Richard takes a first look at protective packaging distributor Macfarlane, a company so boring even he could not bring himself to investigate it. The idea of investing in Macfarlane has been sitting with me for a while because an investor I follow has been banging its drum on Twitter. I have ignored him for all

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Screening For My Next Long-Term Winner: James Halstead (LSE:JHD)

A wobbly market prompts Maynard Paton to search for potential ‘safe havens’. Filters for net cash, high margins and a pandemic-defiant dividend lead to vinyl flooring specialist James Halstead. Recent market wobbles have prompted some ‘back to basics’ filtering. Hence a new screen to identify companies that have strong balance sheets, robust margins and a

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