David Stevenson

David Stevenson is an investment columnist for the Financial Times (the Adventurous Investor), Citywire and MoneyWeek. He’s also the author of the Adventurous Investor blog – www.adventurousinvestor.com – and is executive editor of ETF Stream – www.etfstream.com – and fintech news service AltFi – www.altfi.com.

I believe in keeping investing simple and I think that investment trusts are an ideal structure for private investors. Whatever your investment goal, be it long term capital growth, or income or even defensive strategies, there is likely to be an investment trust that will work for you over the long term. The key is picking the right trust or fund and the London market has a huge range. Having watched this sector – and invested in it – for over 20 years I think i have developed a fairly in depth understanding of which funds work, and why. My articles on investment trusts will hopefully help guide private investors in the right direction.

Funds Focus: a new look for some new investing ideas

Welcome to the new look funds focus where we shine a spotlight on some of the most interesting, listed funds on the London market, be they actively managed investment trusts (and closed-end funds) or index tracking exchange traded funds (otherwise known as ETFs). In each article, I’m going to try and pull together four very

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Update on model growth portfolios

David gives an update on his ETF portfolios. Read his previous update here. As 2021 draws to a (dismal) end, besieged yet again by Covid, I thought I’d share a quick update on my two model ETF based portfolios. To recap both were aimed at investors who want a low cost ETF model portfolio bult

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jp morgan

New addition to Dynamic 35: JPMorgan Russian Securities

Our funds expert embraces his inner bear, focusing on a long-established and successful Russian investment fund. For those worried about the fragile US monetary order, or wanting to play the upside in energy prices, Russia is a great starting point. And valuations are cheap. Before we delve a little deeper into our new fund for

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Prudent 15: The Honeycomb Investment Trust

Our funds specialist returns form a summer break with a new addition to the Prudent 15. It’s a lending fund that has built up a solid track record and offers cautious, income-oriented investors a solid 8% plus yield. My latest addition to the Prudent 15 is a slightly alternative income-oriented fund that has built up

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Dynamic 35 : Montanaro European Smaller Companies Trust

Our funds specialist returns with a star performer in the relatively unloved European equities space: Montanaro European Smaller Companies Trust. He reckons now is the time to focus on fast growing European small caps. This week I have a relatively short note for you, outlining why I think now might be an interesting moment to

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digital 9 infrastructure

Dynamic 35: D9 Digital 9 Infrastructure

Our funds specialist returns with another new suggestion for the Dynamic 35, Digital 9 Infrastructure, although he argues it could also sit inside the Prudent 15 list as well. This fund is an asset-backed infrastructure fund with an exciting technology customer base who want to buy into a new digital world through mobile phone towers,

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