Richard Beddard

Richard is a highly-respected investment writer well-known for his Share Sleuth portfolio, a model portfolio he runs for the investment platform Interactive investor. Richard eats his own cooking – buying good businesses at reasonable prices and holding them for the long-term in his Self Invested Personal Pension.

I’m a long-time ShareScope and SharePad fan and my aim is to help you find better companies faster using the fantastic tools at your disposal. My focus is on finding businesses we can reasonably expect to prosper for many years. As well as analysing data, I work out the strategies companies are following and try to verify that they are working in the real world by quizzing executives, visiting companies, trying their products and observing how they operate.

How I choose my next share using filters and charts

After many years of investment I still feel a sense of anticipation when I examine lists of shares looking for new opportunities. It’s like opening a map to find new places to visit, or a menu at a restaurant that serves everything. There are other ways to generate investment ideas, but in my experience they’re

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Shares to hold to the grave, and beyond…

For my debut SharePad article, I’ve been invited to introduce my stockpicking strategy. It’s a daunting prospect because strategy is everything. Without a strategy, luck or instinct will determine our returns and in the stock market neither can be relied on. There are many reinforcing activities that make a good strategy, so please forgive the

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