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Monthly Fund Focus: Gold, Nutshell growth, Biotech opportunities

Gold prices are moving steadily higher, yet most investors shun the shiny precious stuff. This month’s funds article looks at gold as an asset class, why professionals dislike it, and why UK investors have done well out of the precious metal. It also examines an innovative new way to invest in gold AND generate an

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Finding fault

Richard examines fault after fault in businesses until he can find no more. If the faults should not cause permanent damage, the share is an investment candidate. Currently, Kainos is in the spotlight and Iomart and IG enter the pipeline. I am compiling a list of all the companies with a few flaws in their

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The Trader: A brief fall and two trade ideas

In this article, Michael covers the recent stock market fall and two trade ideas. Two weeks ago stocks were tanking. This week stocks are up. If you were on holiday the last fortnight and didn’t bother checking the markets, then you might not have noticed anything was up. As I wrote in my Slack group

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How do YOU ShareScope?

In the latest in the series, we have an investor with over 10 years of experience who is relatively new to ShareScope – Andrew. He is sharing a bit about his investing history and how he uses ShareScope. If you have your own routine you would like to share, or some interesting custom settings, layouts

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On Durability

This week, Jamie Ward rewatched an old interview with an investor whose style might be considered rogue in today’s professional investment landscape. He believes that the lessons espoused could be useful for private investors who consider whatever wealth they have accumulated to be precious and irreplaceable. He then suggests a few businesses that might form

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Small-Cap Spotlight Report: Lindsell Train Investment Trust

The market has become very unhappy with buy-and-hold investor Nick Train. Maynard Paton studies Lindsell Train Investment Trust and reckons Mr Train’s fund-management business could now be valued on a P/E of less than 2. Could now be the time to back Nick Train? The buy-and-hold fund manager was for years feted for selecting blue-chip

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Summer sizzlers

The latest haul of investment candidates from Richard includes a software company, a timber importer, a one-of-a-kind fantasy gaming and modelling company Games Workshop, a housebuilder and a business so small you may never have heard of it. Just to recap and contextualise, 5 Strikes is a quick way of deciding which shares are the

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Quality investing is not what it was

This week, Jamie talks about how the phrase ‘quality investing’ has been distorted and why complacency in investing can be really bad for your returns. He then explains why he thinks Unilever, a darling of quality investment portfolios, might not be as good as some perceive. As is so often the case, seemingly minor events

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The Trader: Delayed reactions present an opportunity

Michael looks at some of this week’s action and notes some commonalities between trades. Riddle me this… If the market is efficient, then why don’t prices gap up and open without moving? The simple answer is because the market isn’t efficient. In this basic assumption, we assume that all (or at least a big majority)

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