Michael Taylor

Michael Taylor made the move to trading the stock market with his own capital on a full time basis in December 2016. As well as ShareScope, Michael contributes to Investors Chronicle and other online publications. He has also written a free book on getting started in the UK stock market, along with a stock trading handbook – both of which are available to download from his website at www.shiftingshares.com

I believe that anyone can learn to trade if they are able to remain objective and are willing to put the hours in. I lost a lot of money early on by not having a proper strategy and following the crowd. If you want to make money then you need to generate your own ideas – I use SharePad to find and plan my trades, and ShareScope to run on my trading screens.

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The Trader: Two tech trend plays to watch

Are we in an early-stage bull market for small caps? Michael Taylor shares his experience on trend trading and how now could be a good time to get on board some trends early, taking a look at two potential examples in BKS and IGP. Intraday trading is fun. But it’s hard, most people fail, and

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The Trader: Trading external news events

In this article, Michael looks at trading external news events and opportunities that are set up as a result. External events that have an effect on a stock but are not directly news events from the stock can be hugely profitable. I talked about the Supreme Court of The United States’ decision to allow sports

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The Trader: Two potential breakout trades

Michael covers recent events and looks at two potential breakout trades. A lot has happened in the last two weeks. The US and the UK have attacked Iran-backed Houthi rebels. The SEC Twitter account got hacked and posted a tweet saying that the Bitcoin ETF had been approved. Then the Bitcoin ETF finally did get

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The Trader: Scanning the classic filter

Michael looks at some of the results from his classic filter to see if he can find potential trades. I’ve written about my 10% within 52-week highs filter twice, introducing it in May 2022 and again in February 2023. After a big market rally in November and December, there are going to be plenty of

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The Trader: Introducing my new filter

Michael explains his new filter and goes through some of the stocks it has provided. My 10% within 52-week highs filter is starting to pick up plenty of names. Does this mean the bull market is back? Well, not exactly. But it does mean that stocks are approaching their 1-year highs and threatening to either

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The Trader: Judging the news premium

Michael looks at assessing news premiums and news discounts with two recent examples. One question I’m often asked by clients is how do you gauge the news and what price to go within the uncrossing trade? Whilst much of trading can be systematic, such as following entries, stop losses, position sizing, and risk management, intraday

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The Trader: Position Weights

Michael looks at staggering stops and position weights to increase the likelihood of profit on the trade. Many regular readers will know I’m a fan of staggering stops in volatile markets. The beauty of staggering stops is that by splitting the position into mini positions, you can widen part of your stop without taking on

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The Trader: A look at the week

Michael takes a look at the week as well as the AIM market index. This week there were plenty of trading opportunities (none taken by me as I was away). It’s very much a trader’s market at the moment, and many stocks are reporting, missing, and getting crucified. That was the case for newly listed

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The Trader: Playing profit warnings

Michael takes a look at profit warnings and how to play these with several examples.     Profit warnings are appearing on an almost daily basis. Despite two years of a grinding bear market, there are still companies out there that have yet to be beaten down. Stocks falling 40 percent or more on the

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The Trader: The importance of high beta stocks

Michael looks at two examples of high-beta stocks offering news to trade. For anyone wanting to trade intraday then high beta stocks – stocks that move more than the market – are ideal stocks to trade. Especially when it comes to news that can move those stocks. Here are some examples this week. Gulf Keystone

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The Trader: Does Arm’s success mean the IPO market is back?

The market saw a boom in new listings in 2020 and 2021 as companies were greedy to slurp on the capital market teat that provided fertile ground for rocketing IPOs. Companies would list and there would be a huge secondary market in order to lap up the stock and push the price to closing highs.

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The Trader: The hour between 8am and 9am

Michael looks at the first two hours of the trading day and how to view potential mispricing. The hour between 8am and 9am is just as important to the intraday trader as 7am to 8am. Whilst 7am to 8am is the time to meticulously work through RNSs and come up with a shortlist to dig

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